Endless Ocean: Blue World's background
Endless Ocean: Blue World


  • wikipedia
  • twitch

Release dates

Sep 17, 2009


Feb 05, 2010


Feb 22, 2010



Endless Ocean: Blue World

Endless Ocean: Blue World

Release date

Sep 17, 2009



User score


Out of 12

Average playtime

15 hours

Main story

27 hours

Main + extra

70 hours


  • Asset 1
  • Asset 2
  • Asset 3
  • Asset 4
  • Asset 5
  • Asset 6
  • Asset 7
  • Asset 8
  • Asset 9
  • Asset 10
  • Asset 11
  • Asset 12

About the game

The ocean is teeming with life. Hundreds of real-life species are there to be discovered, from seahorses to giant whales. Are the local fish sick or agitated? Players can view their health status and then use a tranquilizer-like tool to zap the ones in need of rehab with healing energy. The game also includes a storyline that players can follow as they choose. The plot involves Oceana, a woman who investigates the ?Dragon?s Song,? which her father, a prominent ocean explorer, was searching for just before his death. While at Nine Ball Island, players can become friends with a dolphin and teach it some new tricks. When ona dive, players can even bring along the dolphin, which players can hold onto for extra fast swimming. For the first time in the series, friends who have broadband Internet access can connect and dive with one another via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, while using the Wii Speak? microphone to converse.


  • wikipedia
  • twitch

Release dates

Sep 17, 2009


Feb 05, 2010


Feb 22, 2010



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