Kirby no Omochabako: Guru-guru Ball's background
Kirby no Omochabako: Guru-guru Ball


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Kirby no Omochabako: Guru-guru Ball

Kirby no Omochabako: Guru-guru Ball

Release date

Feb 08, 1996



User score


Average playtime


Main story


Main + extra



  • Asset 1

About the game

In this game, the player fires spherical Kirbys through a spiral tube, which is designed to look like Efreeti. This tube has holes in it, which a speedy Kirby will pass right over. The point is to fire the Kirbys with just the right amount of power to pass over certain holes but slow down and fall into another hole. Different holes give different numbers of points, so the goal of the player is to shoot his/her Kirbys into the highest-scoring hole as much as possible. When the player runs out of Kirbys, the game ends. Like every other sub-game in Kirby's Toy Box, this game could only be downloaded by the Satellaview during the brief period it was broadcast.


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