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Acerca del juego
Sonic the Hedgehog 3D is a free fan game about a famous SEGA mascot, Sonic, and it is made on Build Engine with additional EDuke 32 port. The game was inspired by two classic Sonic series: Mega Drive/Genesis and Sonic Adventure series.
Juegos recomendados
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Sonic: After the Sequel
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Toad Strikes Back
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Crash N. Tense Adventure
Sonic Classic
Sonic Classic 2
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Sonic 3D in 2D
Sonic 3D in 2D
Sonic Dimensions
Sonic World DX
Sonic Advance Revamped
Sonic the Hedgehog Transitions
Sonic Smash Brothers
Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga
Chapter Zero: The Angel Island Saga
Sonic Spectre
Sonic Spectre
Sonic Requeset
Sonic Outbound