Kinect Adventures's background
Kinect Adventures


  • wikipedia
  • twitch

Release dates

Nov 04, 2010


Kinect Adventures

Kinect Adventures

Release date

Nov 04, 2010



User score


Out of 30

Average playtime

4 hours

Main story

5 hours

Main + extra

10 hours


  • Asset 2
  • Asset 3

About the game

Kinect Adventures! is a sports video game released by Microsoft Game Studios for the Xbox 360. Released in 2010, it is a collection of five adventure and sports minigames and was developed by Good Science Studio, a subsidiary of Microsoft Game Studios. The game utilizes the Kinect motion camera and was offered as a pack-in game with the console. It was officially unveiled at the 2010 Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles and went on to become the best selling game on the Xbox 360, selling 24 million units worldwide.


  • wikipedia
  • twitch

Release dates

Nov 04, 2010


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